Thank you for adding the scanning options. I've only played with them briefly but have a few comments:
If Deskew text is checked in the options and then Quick Auto Straighten Image is clicked the result changes (the latter image seems to be skewed).
SC seems to use WIA instead of TWAIN as its initial default. On my main scanner at least, WIA has limited functionality. I always use TWAIN. Do most people use WIA? If not this might be confusing. Once TWAIN is selected it then stays as the default.
In an attempt to test what would happen if WIA was selected and there was no WIA driver I unplugged my scanner with SC running. This deleted this scanner (and I think another one) from the list of options, and it's not there even after a reboot. Fortunately the scanner is still installed in my document imaging program (or I would not be happy), but apparently I will have to reinstall the scanner for it to work in SC. In my document imaging program I can plug and unplug my scanner at will without any problems, though I try to remember to close the program first. (I use a notebook and unplug my scanner often. I also use more than one scanner, which is uncommon I'm sure.)
The tooltip for the third button says Adjuse Scanner Options. No mouser software would be complete without the obligatory misspelling.
It would be useful to have the option of automatically saving scans in a different folder than the one used for screenshots.
How hard would it be to implement saving to PDF? I can use other software to do this or print to PDF, but if I'm going to use SC as a primary scanning option it would be useful.
I'd like a keyboard shortcut for scanning. F6 would be my choice, but that's only because I'm probably the only person on planet Earth still using the late, lamented FileABC document imaging program. (Oh, what I would give for universal keyboard shortcuts.)
Do I understand correctly that Acquire image from scanner (Dialog toggled) does the opposite of whatever is selected in the scanning options? That is, if Show and use native scanner dialog is selected, then the dialog will not be selected when using Dialog toggled? That had (or perhaps has) me confused. It's a useful option but there's got to be a better way of doing and explaining it. If you're going to show both options, why have a toggle at all instead of having one scan button be for using the TWAIN/WIA dialog and one button not? Alternatively, in scanner options have the options to show/not show a button for Scan with TWAIN/WIA dialog and show/not show a button for Scan w/o TWAIN/WIA dialog. Then for people who always use or don't use the dialog there'd be only one scan button. Or have one scan button and use a keyboard shortcut to toggle the dialog on and off.
I'll experiment more as time permits.