Hi Folks,
While Veign looks for a good file folder size program, I want to know which disk space program is really smart in terms of extension size, preferably network capable. I am deciding what to back up from 17 puters on a network (workgroup) to the cloud and it would be helpful to know that the .pdf takes up this amount, the .doc and .pst like so. Or on the other hand, it would be nice to see the amount taken by what I don't want to back up, .exe and .dll and such. (I am not sure yet whether to approach the project on an include or exclude basis, although include is in the lead.) This is not mission-critical stuff, the biz data is on the PC server and also the minicomputer, and the mini is is now doubly backed up, tape and cloud, the PC server files are over the net (and to a real vault company, using solid software, this is not mozying around). However, the idea that people should just lose all their personal files on a crash or mal-stuff doesn't make a lot of sense, so I want to back up at least the prime-time stuff.
Most of the disk space programs are not thinking in terms of total size for an extension, one or two I looked at have some capabilities, but not real strong (that was a few nites ago, I will check my notes) ... are any that you have seen real strong ? They don't have to be network capable, especially if freeware. The PC's are all in one building and I can install.
Steven Avery