Aw, geez...
The original at least
cared and knew a little (okay, a lot) about the operating system.
His arguments were valid and he squeezed every drop of blood he could from them, leaving the dogs in the comments to lick it up and snap at each other.
The new guy even admits to not knowing what the forkbomb he's talking about.
So, in true open source fashion, I have decided to try to pick up where he left off. Unfortunately, I barely know a damn thing about the internals of an operating system, which puts me miles above most ASS (Anus Stripping Software) developers. So, here we go into the wild, lame yonder!
Ooh, what snark! What potty-mouth finesse!
With the first page giving me serious facepalm, it's obvious that this guy is doing no more than any slashdot/reddit/digg troll, so I'm going to stay away.
Far away.