Newsletter for May 6th, 2009
Codename "Here Comes Summer"
1. Newsletter EditorialGreetings all, and welcome to another edition of the newsletter.
After the March fundraiser my engine seemed to run low on fuel and I slowed down a bit in terms of working on my DC programs.. But something remarkable has been happening on the forum lately -- a few DC forum regulars have started writing utilities and mini-reviews like crazy and sharing them. What a treat for all of us! Be sure to check them out as you go through the newsletter -- and send them a little thank you or a few donation credits to let them know that you appreciate it.
If you are going to be anywhere near Germany at the end of May, you need to find a way to get down to the DC meetup in Berlin on May 31st at c-base, the very cool geek bar/club that dc members housetier and gjehle help run. It's a very cool place, and most importantly we've sent ahead some very cool and very rare custom DonationCoder Cody Spaceship mugs that will be on hand to be given out to DC members who show up. These are going to be collector's items one day so don't miss your chance to get one. See the post below and let them know if you will be attending.
2. Your Participation RequestedWe'd love to have your participation on the forum, no matter what your level of computer knowledge, or how long you've been a DC member. The links below point to some good places to jump in and make your first post.
3. DC Site and Software DiscussionOne of the fun things about hanging out on the forum is that we're always hearing ideas for new features to make it a better place. We may not have time to implement every idea, but we keep busy trying!
4. Coding SnacksThe Coding Snacks Section is where people can request small utilities to be coded while they wait - bespoke coding, if you will. Since the last newsletter, we've had a *LOT* of new requests -- several forum members have been on fire lately!
5. Member Mini-reviewsThe mini-review section of the forum is where people can post short reviews of programs that they have tried or that they use regularly. We only require that the reviewers not be associated in any way with the program or company being reviewed.
6. Sites, Services, and Articles on the WebDC members are very generous in sharing their cyber discoveries with us on the forum. See some recent findings below.
7. Software Giveaway for May 2009For May we have 10 copies of Total Commander, the famous file explorer, to give away. We'll probably give a bunch away to mini-review and coding snack authors, but we aren't 100% sure how to pick the winners yet, so drop by the forum often to find out.
8. Software DiscussionIt's probably fair to say that the majority of the discussions on are about computer software. Below are some interesting threads about software posted to DC since the last newsletter.
9. Fun and GamesIf you've read the newsletter up to this point, take a break and check out some of the lighter fare from the forum - humour, videos, and games..
10. Developer's CornerThe title of this section is "Developer's Corner", not "Non-developers Stay Out!", so don't be put off by the title. There is probably something that will interest you here. It's more than just a forum for the discussion of software development, it's also where we discuss web design, entrepreneurial struggles, and general productivity issues. And it's great to see that the section has been pretty active over the last few months -- keep it up people!
11. News You Can UseDC Member Ehtyar writes wonderful weekly summaries of important tech/computer/security news articles that he comes across on the web. A big hit on the forum. How is he able to keep up this pace and when will he collapse from exhaustion? We are all aflutter waiting to find out..