Hello again
Just thinking about my previous post and reckon it could do with revising - please consider this one instead.
Possible enhancements:
1. for the first, automatic, sort method, have alternative options:
a) sort by resolution - as currently exists
b) sort by aspect ratio - reduced to greatest common denominator
user to specify any padding, eg 1200x300 reduces to 12x3, then
pad left=0, pad right=0 -> 12x3 (default)
pad left=2, pad right=2 -> 12x03
pad left=3, pad right=2 -> 012x03
c) sort by aspect ratio - reduced to decimal
user to specify sig fig before and after decimal point, eg 400x300 reduces to 1.33, then
before point=0, after point=2 -> 1.33 (default)
before point=3, after point=4 -> 001.3333
2. for the second, list driven, sort method, have alternative option:
in the same way that a user is allowed to input a list of acceptable resolutions,
would it be possible to incorporate a facility for inputting a list of acceptable aspect ratios,
using either improper fractions (eg 400x300, 040x030, etc) or decimals (eg 1.33, 001.333, etc)
3. for all sorting have the option to sort portrait equivalents in the the same folder as their landscape counterparts,
eg, have a check box 'inverse ratios in same folder' or similar, which if ticked,
would for example allow all images 3:4 to be sorted into the same folder as all images 4:3
Sorry about revised post - will sleep now!
Thanks again