Well, Windows 11 presented another problem (for me) which was un-fixable by all the "standard" means quoted on the web. So, I resorted to the re-installation of Windows/Retain all your files method to try and solve the issue. I THINK it may have fixed my new problem, but just for giggles I tried the Files2Folder program again, and lo and behold, it now WORKS! No bets on how long it will stay working, but time will tell. FWIW - During the period that F2F did NOT work, I continued to search for a replacement. I found one, it works (although a bit slower, but it seems to be currently/actively supported. So, I'm now using THAT one. I won't mention it's name here, as that seems inappropriate to me. But, I WILL give a clue: same name only singular, via Google search. Good luck, if anyone cares. If not, c'est la vie! I still think this one (on this site) is a GREAT program, as long as it continues working. Would still like to see it updated to more modern versions of Windows.