Most of you who are donating/supporting/honorary members of the site know about the
fun and free member kit thing that you can request. About 200 have been mailed out so far all across the globe.
I've actually got a big backlog of requests that i've been delaying sending as i try to put together some better stuff to send out. In the past it's been mostly stuff printed on a printer and of dubious quality.
Here's a photo of the new book bookmarks that arrived today; i'll probably send out 2 of each type in the member kits (the small card in the middle is the membership card to help show scale):
New DC Member Kit StuffI think the best part is that these bookmarks could actually have some use value(!)
Additionally.. I've recently found a pretty cool place that will print some very high quality stickers (
Sticker Robot) for a reasonable price -- but it's still very expensive to do. It would be really fun to be able to send out a 3"x5" sheet of high quality cody stickers in the new member kits. The price would be about $500 for a run of 1000 such sticker cards (each 3x5 card would have a few small stickers), and that supply would last a couple of years. What do you think? Is it worth spending so much money on something that has no real purpose, doesnt in any way pay for itself, and only serves to inject a little fun into the atmosphere?