Reading your request I thought, I could use this application myself. Being a bit bored at work, I gave it a try.
>un that sorts the files into various folders based on their types
>It would need to be able to identify and place all of these file types into folders:
>Folders (thereby making a folder of folders
Done (but I'm not sure if that's what you want)
>preferably in a (user stupid) editable format
I tried (see the ini file)
>INI files that have an EXE counterpart
Done (good idea, btw)
Please test it with few files until you trust it enough to let it on your 7 GB file archive.
See attachment for compiled Authotkey script + source code.
Edit: Here's a screen video:
http://www.screentoa...Sk1IR1pWQlVUX1NbU1dcEdit: Updated attachment (rev2) (found a tiny bug which didn't affect my work pc, but home pc... strange)
Edit: Updated attachment (rev3). Just noticed it moved existing folders in existing folders...

blame it on AHK's documentation or me, for not testing it.

Edit: Updated (rev4). Feature request.