Before the days of email clients and webmail with beautiful interfaces and intelligent features, people were a lot more anal about how to compose, write, and reply to emails. Since the pretty formatting that we are used to now were not there yet, it was only text, and it had to be done right to not become a nuisance.
So, my question is, today, when I reply to emails, what is the proper way to do so?
Back in the day, it was common "netiquette" to quote the material you were replying to first and then the response below. You were also supposed to only quote what was necessary and not the whole thing if it was not relevant. if you were responding to multiple items, then you would do so in multiple blocks of quote--response, quote--response, etc...
So, should we still abide by this? I ask because programs now (like Outlook) have their own way of keeping track of threads and such.
Lately, i broke away from this and I just write my reply, and all the quoted material appears below my response. It's just easier.