*Find and Replace for multiple MS Word documents.*
The program finds and replaces any one character, or sequence of characters, that can be found on a standard keyboard, in many Word .doc files. How?
1. In an open directory, the user highlights the names of files in which he/she wishes characters replaced. If more efficient, this could be done after the program has been opened.
2. User opens the program which displays a dialog box with a window headed by "Character(s) to be replaced." or the like.
3. User identifies a character or character strings he/she wants replaced by typing or copying them into the window in the dialog box.
3.1 Ideally, user can enter different characters/strings in the same box if they are separated by commas or ?.
3.2 User specifies action by pressing a button: "delete," or "replace."
3.3 If user checks replace, he/she enters the new characters/strings in another window in the box.
4. User presses "Go." button.
5. The program
5.1. finds the highlighted Word files.
5.2 Opens them
5.3 Performs function.
5.3.1 Finds one of the files
5.3.2 Opens it.
5.3.3 Finds and replaces
5.4 "Saves-as" the files, that is, saves the files with the same name plus "ED," or some other term to indicate they are the files that have been changed.
The orginal files remain undisturbed in case of a problem.
5.5. Closes the file.
5.6. Repeats 5.1 to 5.5 with a different file until no more highlighted files remain.
5.7 Program closes itelf.
Thank you.
Bill Steo
[edit: i removed your email Bill, as it's generally a bad idea to post email addresses on the web, since spammers find them; just keep your eye open here for any suggestions people come up with -mouser]