Hi all!
I've recently started using FARR at the 911 dispatch center I work at. Over the years, several thousand documents worth of contact information, policies and procedures, maps, daily recaps etc have stacked up. Initially all this information was in binders all over every nook and cranny of the room, but we've recently digitized it all and stored it on a shared network drive.
Right now FARR does a great job of finding something if we happened to include it in the filename or folder it resides in, my question is if there's a way to add tags to the files or folders so more stuff shows up while searching?
For example if there's a document called noisepolicy.doc: Some people who only vaguely know what they're looking for might try searching for construction, animals, party etc, but the doc they're looking for might only show up if they type noise.
How is everyone handling large amounts of files where you may not necessarily know the exact file name?