i've been helping db test his app for a while now - there are some tricky things he has had to figure out.
and i'm happy to say it's working perfectly now for me.
he might still have to do a tweak to make sure it runs with proper permissions,
and setting up the files in the write places with the right names requires a little bit of work,
but i'll be damned if the damn thing doesn't work like a charm
it lets you specify an ini file for each user, with a list of apps to run including commandline parameters. these are executed every time user is switched to, and at startup (first login). very neat. you could use it to set resolution like XPKeepPerUserDisplaySettings does too (to set to a fixed setting), using a commandline resolution changer, or a variety of things.
i'll wait for db to put up the final version before i add it to the coding snacks download page,
and maybe jeffk would be kind enough, once you get it working, to write a little more lengthy tutorial of how you set it up to work with volume control, just as a real-life example of how you set it up, that db could include as a readme, to help new users? would you be willing to do that jeff?