After reading several articles on Wikipedia I had to seriously rest my eyes; websites aren't meant to be stared at that long. So I'm wondering if there exists an application that "lowers the lights" or adjusts the contrast of your average website, making it easier to read lengthy websites. Is this pure fantasy, or is there something out there that does this?
What about my bookmarklet?
It's based on the Zap Annoyances collection, but with a few enhancements.
Light Background Version:
Dark Background Version:
Readable Source Code:
var newSS, styles = "*{background:black!important;color:white!important;border-color:white!important;margin:10px!important;line-height:140%!important;font-size:1.02em!important;font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;}table,thead,tbody,tr,th,td{display:block!important;}*{width:auto!important;height:auto!important;position:static!important;float:none!important;margin-left:0!important;margin-right:0!important;}img,iframe,embed,object{display:none;}";
var images, img, altText;
var d = document;
function toArray(C) {
var A, B;
A = new Array;
for (B = 0; B < C.length; ++B) {
A[B] = C[B]
return A
if (document.createStyleSheet) {
document.createStyleSheet("javascript:'" + styles + "'")
} else {
newSS = document.createElement("link");
newSS.rel = "stylesheet";
newSS.href = "data:text/css," + escape(styles);
images = toArray(document.images);
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; ++i) {
img = images[i];
altText = document.createTextNode(img.alt);
img.parentNode.replaceChild(altText, img)
function K(G, A) {
var H = d.createElement(A),
E = G.childNodes,
for (B = E.length - 1; B >= 0; --B) {
H.insertBefore(E[B], H.childNodes[0])
G.parentNode.replaceChild(H, G)
function Z(E, A) {
var C = document.getElementsByTagName(E),
for (B = C.length - 1; B >= 0; --B) {
K(C[B], A)
Z("blink", "span");
Z("marquee", "div");
function F(G) {
var B, C, E, A;
if (G.nodeType == 3) {
B =\S{45}/);
if (B >= 0) {
C = G.splitText(B + 45);
G.parentNode.insertBefore(D.createElement("WBR"), C)
} else {
if (G.tagName != "STYLE" && G.tagName != "SCRIPT") {
for (E = 0; A = G.childNodes[E]; ++E) {
void 0;