i believe this program would help a lot of procrastinators out there (providing they didn't just find something else to procrastinate about). so, it might be something for this years DC GTD experiment.
the idea is that the util would block you from running certain programs, opening certain files and browsing certain web pages - at certain times of the day that you set.
aha, you say, but i could just turn the util off and then i could gain access to everything that is blocked - so it's useless. which is correct.
the crucial part with this new util is that it is password controlled AND YOU DON'T KNOW THE PASSWORD. instead, you let someone you can trust put the password in for you, and they keep it a secret. any changes you need to make to this blocker util requires you asking the password keeper friend (or relative) to enable the program for you.
if it's a family member (or local friend) they just tap in the password on your keyboard. if it's someone you know online they either enter the password via a remote desktop like connection, OR perhaps send an encrypted file that either acts as a key to unlock the blocker util for a limited period of time, or it contains information to actually make the changes to the blocker util for you.
think of it like the buddy system that's used with other people that have addictions - this is just the computerised version of that.