This sounds really promising! Everything is so darn fast. It will be really interesting to see in what ways FARR and Everything can be used together now. Up until now I've launched Everything searches
via a FARR alias. I have used it mostly for when I know that I need something in a folder that I've excluded in FARR or a folder with so many files that it will take FARR longer than Everything to find the results. But if a plugin like this can be enhanced then maybe more and more of the basic FARR search capacities can be aided by Everything (the same goes for Locate32 and the FARR plugin for that).
Two extreme scenarios seem clear enough:
1. minimal scenario: use Everything only in rare cases, through a special alias (for example "ev"; "ev filename")
2. maximal scenario: use Everything for all FARR searches, without any special alias. (Though clear enough as a scenario there can of course be a lot of problems with implementing that and so reasons against going for something like that. This also ties in with previous FARR discussions concerning indexing.)
Here's a possible inbetween scenario that I can think of: as a step in a regular FARR search FARR uses Everything for searching some folders (as specified in FARR options) and does a regular FARR search in other folders and then combines and presents the results.