I have borrowed an Apple iPod Touch 16GB for my overseas trip. With the permission of the owner, last night I did a factory restore of the unit and upgraded the OS from version 1.1.4 to 2.2. I now can put movies on it for the transatlantic flight. The problem is that I don't do iPods -- I've been a Creative Zen guy for the past few years.
I know how to take a DVD, strip off the Macrovision and get just the movie into a nice set of VOB files.
What I don't know how to do is to get it properly formated and loaded on the iPod touch for viewing. I might just spring for a set of SlySoft programs, but if there is some FOSS stuff out there, I would prefer that.
I am looking at Quick Media Converter, but there seems to be a billion tutorials on converting from SWF to everything under the sun, but didn't yet find a DVD to iPod Touch how-to yet.
Anybody got any guidance for me?