I use Trout, almost everyday, since two years, and i really appreciate it. It is one of the best music player around.
( version 1.0.6 build 67
I just noticed some very minor issues and has some new ideas to make it even better.
The "channels" column has only numbers like 1 or 2, but stays often wide because the word channels is longer than 1 or 2.
I also noticed that the width of the columns is not kept when i start the program again.
Is it possible to have a column that says if the file si 16 or 24 bits ( or else ? )
Is it possible to have an option that allows crossfading between songs ?
Can a streaming option ( à la Shoutcast / Icecast ) be added ?
Something i haven't tested yet : do Trout knows how to use replay-gain ?
Side question : is it possible to apply a general replay-gain to all the files?
I use Trout mostly with Flac files, some Wav, some Aiff and a bunch of Ape, and currently i have almost 7000 songs
But i'm going to have more and more songs.
I am not a programmer at all, so i have no idea how my ideas can be implemented if you like them.
I just hope it's not too much work or bothering.
Thanks a lot for this very useful and conveinient program
