There are a lot of new software listing sites cropping up.
I wanted to post some observations about what makes a good one and a bad one.
I'll focus a bit on snapfiles ( since that's one of my favorite sites.
Does the site accept pad files (standard file format for describing a program)? really annoying from an author's standpoint if they don't.
(snapfiles does NOT accept pad files - come on guys get with the program!)Does the site actually test the programs they list, or just put up the text from author's description?this one is my favorite thing to look at from an author's standpoint; i'm always very impressed by a site that actually TRIES the programs that are submitted and takes the time to make their own comments and screenshots.
for example, here's the snapfiles page for Flipbook Printer which i submitted *yesterday*:http://www.snapfiles...flipbookprinter.htmlnotice that they actually tried it, using their own movie, and made their own little summary of what the program does in their own words.
to me this says volumes about a software listing site that they take the time to do this.
does the site encourage users to rate and review programs?Fileforum ( is the best at this, hands down, and it makes fileforum a fantastic resource, even though you really have to take such ratings with a big grain of salt since it seems developers try to skew the ratings against each other.
does the site list freeware and shareware?most software listing sites have some freeware, but many have very little.
snapfiles seems to have a large freeware listing collection, and encourages it.
freeware world team is still the best place to find new freeware listings though, imho:
http://www.all4you.d....php?action=newlinksdoes the site go find its own new discoveries or does it rely on submissions?again freeware world team wins this hands down.
also our friends at shell extension city ( are great at finding new stuff.
is the site well set up for search and browsing?most sites have a good search system, but few are really well suited for browsing categories
snapfiles does great here too, in not only organizing stuff well but making it easy to switch between freeware and shareware listings.