Let's get geeky for a moment, shall we?
If you're comfortable with the command line (
horrors!!! ), you could use ImageMagick.
Download ImageMagick from this link:
http://www.imagemagi...-Q16-windows-dll.exeDo the install and follow the instructions for testing it. (You'll need to open a CMD prompt window to do this).
Once you've installed ImageMagick, create a folder on your desktop and put all your TIFF files into it.
Open a CMD window and cd to whatever folder your TIFFs are in. Run a dir to be sure your in the correct folder.
Enter the following command:
convert -transparent white filename.tif filename.gifWhere
filename is the (what else?) name of your file.
You will now have a new GIF file that has a transparent background. YOWZA!
ImageMagick can do a lot of other really amazing things.
(It's also the base subsystem for 90% of the graphic apps out in the FOSS community.) Check it out. Well worth the effort it takes to get comfortable with it.
Hope this helped.