Hi all.
Not sure how many Aussies are on the forum, but I though it's about time this place had some new IRLDD (In-Real-Life Dinner and Drinks, doesn't have to be dinner ofc) pics to put up. I harassed word man earlier, and he is being his usual noncommittal self, so I thought perhaps if I rally some support here, he will eventually cave under the weight of all the Aussies harassing him at once

Word man and I are both Sydney-siders, and both of us being of little means at the moment travel is
probably not an option for either of us. Now that WYD is over, and the city is finally back normal, I'm willing to go pretty much anywhere Sydney-wide. I'm not really sure if anyone has had any ideas hanging around for an Aussie IRLDD, so I'll leave the ideas open for a while, and see what comes up.
Let us know what you think and if you'd be interested in joining us! Also, anyone outside of Sydney, or even overseas coming to Sydney sometime in the near future, let us know and we might be able to arrange it while you're here.
See details of the previous IRLDDs
here and