from slashdot this morning...
Developers: AppJet Offers Browser-Based Coding How-To, Hosting
Posted by kdawson on Tuesday September 02, @03:40PM
from the talk-about-rapid dept.
theodp writes
"Know someone who wants to learn to program? Paul Graham advises programmer wannabes to check out The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Programming on the Web from AppJet, which aims to be 'the funnest and easiest way for a beginner to get started programming.' Setting the guide apart from other tutorials is the ability to edit and run any of the all-Javascript examples directly in your browser. Newcomers to programming and experienced developers alike can also publish their AppJet creations on the web. Sure beats GE BASIC on the General Electric Time-Sharing Service!"
see it here - <a href="">AppJet</a>