Just discovered CircleDock through LifeHacker, I'm liking it so far but so far I think a few abilities that shouldn't be too hard to implement...
The main one is it's missing the ability to map the menu to a HELD key, i.e. instead of
clicking the center mouse key to open up the menu, the user must
hold the key for
x amount of seconds for the menu to appear.
This way users can still open up links in new tabs in IE7/Firefox/Opera without the menu appearing! 
Also, something that would complement this would be the menu
automatically disappearing when the button is released, with whatever application that was under the cursor being opened. For example, if the button was to be released when the cursor was over the icon for My Documents, My Documents would be opened.
If you want a perfect example of what I'm talking about, take a look at the Nintendo 64 version of Perfect Dark. The quick weapon select screen with the N64's A button is what I'm talking about, just with CircleDock and the mouse key

Not sure how hard the second one would be to implement, but I'd imagine the first request would be relatively easy.
Plus sorry about all the highlighting, wanted to make it easier to read haha