First off, very nice program, been looking for something to replace my standard dockable folders in Windows for quite some while, and this fits the bill perfectly

But naturally, I'd like to see a few more options:
1) Individual size of icons, or atleast being able to make folders larger than normal icons.
2) Option to remove the default windows shortcut arrow on icons.
3) Don't know if it's possible, but being able to press the entire Icon area. Now you can't click where the icon is transparent. So on small icons you have to press quite accurately.
4) Bindable to all keys, e.g. I have a logitech keyboard with extra keys, would be nice if I could just press one of those and have the Menu pop up. Isn't it possible to add a script that recognizes they keystroke, just like games do it?
5) Option to enable, such that you start in the root of the Dock everytime you unhide it.
I had a small problem with the folder Icons, when i just dragged and dropped the icons from the default icon folder onto a folder in the dock, the center Icon would get the same icon. I did fixed it by manually though, by changing the ini file, just thought I'd mention it.