Ok, I guess I will pledge the first real item with a realistic "price tag"...
I discovered a lot of vintage yarn awhile back and I am crocheting something with it. I have no clue what it will be when I am finished, probably an afghan of some sort. It will be pastel colored...pink, blue, pastel ombre. It could be quite large and most likely round. I am really not sure how big it will be.
I don't know how long it will take to finish. I am just going to keep crocheting till I run out of this yarn. Might not be available to send to the recipient till some time in the winter, maybe a bit longer.
But for a $50 donation to the site, when it is finished, I promise I will mail it to you.
Just in case it is important to you, I do have pets (a cat) and I am a clove smoker. I will wash it before mailing it. (I am disclosing this info because things like that matter to some people)
NOTE: Please do not place a claim on this item until the fundraiser officially begins.