I didn't know about this one, hehe.
made all that much harder by the fact that the entire internet infrastructure is a disaster.
No kidding!
Email is evolving into a situation where only a handful of very large providers trusts eachother. (the situation is growing into a situation where yahoo, hotmail, and google will trust eachother and suspect anything else to be spam). The spam problem keeps on getting worse despite new technologies being invented all the time to combat it, and it gets very hard to identify genuine email from spam sometimes. People today send html, images, documents and even movies via email on a protocol that was initially designed to handle just text. None of these old protocols were designed with the internet of today in mind.
Don't even get me started on DNS. Recently they just found a
huge vulnerability in the protocol that would allow an attacker to poisen the cache of a dns server. (eg: when you type in the dns server at your isp could very easily LIE to you and give you the ip of some other -possibly malicious- website.) Mind you that this was not a vulnerability/bug in some program. This was a protocol weakness, thus affecting many if not all programs that implement it. Moreover, the exploit code for this vulnerability was released
way too soon. ISP's barely had the time to upgrade their software (and I bet many still didn't!)
The www is a mess and html standards suck, browsers implement them randomly...
I could go on forever I think