I’ve decided to launch new website for the game development. My intention behind this website is to help newbies, intermediate users & hobbyists with game development. This website will discuss various issues of game development like graphic libraries, scripting, engines, tools etc and more on game developement.
Currently I’m in search of Content Contributors a.k.a Writers as I can’t do this huge work all by myself.So jump in, and write some how-to article or code-snippet for the site and send it to me. If you’re interested in any one of the following category, please let me know.
• Graphic libraries
• Engines(2D/3D)
• Scripting
Other than above mentioned categaries we have lot of other categaries like AI,Math,Physics,Sound,etc. So absolutely everything will be covered if we found content contributor in the category.
About site:
You can check the site with demo GML article:
http://sparxengine.netIf you’re interested in writing article or want to contribute in anyway,please let me know. PM me or reply here. If you need more information about this project please drop reply here.