superboyac, I suggest doing the following:
1. in your Powermarks options, in the Startup section, check "Start Powermarks when Windows starts"
2. in your Powermarks options, in the Hotkeys section, set "Add bookmark from browser" to alt+ctrl+=
3. if you haven't already, install AutoHotkey and read the tutorial for basic info on how it works
4. create a new file called hotkeys.ahk, copy the code below into it (modified for your hotkey), and save it
5. set the hotkey to be defined for your system at startup by adding a shortcut to hotkeys.ahk to your startup folder
6. reboot
Clipsave = %Clipboard% ; save the current clipboard contents
WinActivate Firefox ; move to the Firefox window
WinWaitActive Firefox ; wait until the Firefox window is active
Send !d^c ; copy the page's URL
Send !^= ; simulate the hotkey for "Add bookmark from browser"
WinWaitActive Bookmark Properties ; wait until the new blank powermark appears
Send {Tab} ; move to the URL field
ControlGetFocus, ControlName ; wait until we're at the URL field
if ControlName = Edit7
sleep 50
ControlGetFocus, ControlName
Send ^v ; paste in the URL
Send !f ; hit the Fetch button
WinWaitActive Updating Powermark ; wait until the fetch finishes
ControlGetText, ButtonText, Button1
if ButtonText = OK
sleep 50
ControlGetText, ButtonText, Button1
Send {Enter} ; close the fetch window
WinWaitActive Bookmark Properties ; wait until the fetch window closes
Send {Tab}{Del}^+{End}{Del} ; delete the fetched keywords so I can enter my own
Clipboard = %Clipsave% ; restore the previous clipboard contents
Now, Powermarks and AutoHotkey will run in the background. Hitting shift+ctrl+= will run the code associated with that hotkey. One of the things that code will do is simulate pressing alt+ctrl+=, which you've set in Powermarks as the hotkey to add a bookmark. You don't have to mess with compiling the script.
A: Additional line needed for codeI found that it is necessary to add this line to the top of the script
SetTitleMatchMode 2The reason is that if you do not, then autohotkey will not be able to find the Firefox window unless Firefox appears as the first word in the title bar.
See extract of the autohotkey help file below
Sets the matching behavior of the WinTitle parameter in commands such as WinWait.
SetTitleMatchMode, MatchMode
SetTitleMatchMode, Fast|Slow
One of the following digits or the word RegEx:
1: A window's title must start with the specified WinTitle to be a match.
2: A window's title can contain WinTitle anywhere inside it to be a match.
3: A window's title must exactly match WinTitle to be a match.
B: Errors in Powermarks Bld 387 menus and also in the help file (Shortcut Keys portion)Another point to note is that in Powermarks Bld 387, the second and third items are incorrectly labeled. The hotkeys are also incorrect. Crtl+Ins does not work and should have been Alt+ A instead
Add from Clipboard Alt+A
Fast Add from Clipboard Crtl+Ins
In fact they are
both the same items so the correct labels are :
Fast Add from Clipboard Alt+A
Fast Add from Clipboard Alt+A
Note that in the help file, which has not changed since Bld 344, the help file says under shortcut keys says
Ctrl+Ins Fast Add - Add bookmark from browser with no editing
Alt+Ins Add URL from clipboard
In fact both the listed shortcut keys Ctrl+Ins and Alt+Ins do not work. So you can safely ignore them.Too bad, there were no bug fixes for them
But no matter, if you follow twinkler's ahk script and just use Twinkler's shortcut hotkeys, Powermarks will work as advertised.
When I have sometime, I'll likely take a closer look at Power Favorites to determine if it is worthy of being a Powermarks alternative, or even better, hopefully surpass it.
But in the meantime, I'm at least back in Powermarks heaven.
Hopefully, someone will find a way to create a button for Firefox, to attach a autohotkey command to it.