Then I would say to forget about getting a masters degree. This is the only field I am familiar with enough to say that *if you want to be a pure code monkey* you don't need an advanced degree (right now). Hopefully you have some open source projects you can show. If not, hopefully you have some *completed* personal projects that you did with a team of coders. If not, hopefully you have a large personal project you completed yourself. If not, well, then you might as well go for a Masters degree because you are going to need the time to work on an open source project in a significant way or develop an intermediate application from start to finish on a team, or build a magnum opus on your own. Until then, you are basically going to be only desirable as an entry-level data entry person, where the data happens to be computer code at the level of a CS freshman.
Why? Anybody *can* be a programmer. Few people *are* programmers.
By that I mean that CS grads are a dime a dozen and a nickel if that dozen is outsourced. Coders with substantial documented/proven experience and/or woofie are a harder to find and thus get paid well. These are the coders that companies hire with plans of having them grow with the team and some day take a lead position of a team.
If you find yourself without that experience, you might want to think about taking the money you would spend on an advanced degree and live on it for 6-9 months while you do one of the things I suggest.
I will now get off my soapbox and allow somebody with an opposing view the floor.