Since I'm back to coding on FARR as we speak, I stand ready to help add any functionality to FARR that is needed. One thing that might be desired is to add an html-rendering view mode for the FARR window as an alternative to the richview memo view mode -- might be useful for this project and others.
html-rendering view mode is a must

showfile is good but showhtml is even better
i already imagine some nice aliases, for example a google image search
it would show the images right into FARR !
or one could use as a note manager right into FARR
one could use it as a start page like opera quick dial...
applications are endless...
while you are at it mouser, please fix a small pb concerning showfile and showmemo
if you have a showfile or showmemo command as a second result of an alias (or third, fourth, etc.)
the ESC does not select the search box... so you cannot close FARR by using ESC twice, you have to use the mouse ! to reselect the search box...
very annoying

cheers, nitrix
PS: for the showhtml command, i think that handling links should be closely considered...
my opinion is that new windows should open in the default browser while regular links should open in FARR
and shift+click should force the opening of the page inside the default browser...
one last suggestion there should be a switch when invoking a showhtml command to tell FARR if it should close on click or not
showhtml ....htmlfile.... \CLOSEONOPENINGNEWWINDOW