dantheman, thanks for the feedback regarding the %MYRECENTDOCS% variable. Maybe the reason I'm hitting this might be due to the fact that I haven't installed FARR. Have been running out of a unzipped folder as I normally try to run these smaller apps without installation in an Limited User Accounts if possible. Will try it again in the future when I have FARR properly installed. For now, I just added the User\Recent folder in manually.
Regarding getting FARR to just show recently used docs, as opposed to everything it normally finds, I added "recent *" into the keyword entry for the Search Folders entry. This way, if I know I'm just looking for a recently accessed file/folder, I can just type in "+recent" (followed by any additional search terms) into the FARR search box, and it will show just those entries. Not that it is as elegant looking as RecentX, but I think it would be a reasonable approximation of its features.
Anyway, I'm just looking around for more ways to be efficient so it's good to learn about new programs.