it's definitely CH&S - it shows up as CH&S when I alt+tab
DBISAM Engine Error # 11949 SQL parsing error - Expected NULL, Date, Time, or Timestamp expression but instead found '0000-00-00 03:22:57.500 AM' in UPDATE SQL statement at line 1, column 130
noticed the time has changed, otherwise the same
it did seem to happen one day when I trying to paste in a web page
could it possibly be clashing with SQLNotes - wild guess simply cause of the "SQL parsing error" and also cause SQLN has html notes pane
Problem is the error warnings are always behind everything else (& I usually keep a full screen) so I've no idea when they happened
Been having a few problems on occasion with CH&S - ctrl+alt+v brings nothing for quite a few seconds, 10 or more, I've given up at that stage.. & pressed it twice or 3 times first
it comes up later unexpectedly