Both my Firefox 2 and 3 are sick; they won't leave home. Because they are from the IT world they both speak another language than me, so I really can't understand what they saying - making it hard for me to help them out. Firefox 2 won't start at all. The file firefox.exe starts and tries, and then stops doing anything. Firefox 3 can open and work all right, but still won't leave home. It just says "stopped". I asked it what was wrong, but again, I don't understand the language it is speaking. Maybe you do? Can you read this nonsense and make sense out of it:
1) Error console popup:
My foxes are not on fire. Any HELP?Edited: The text was too long, so now I have attached it in a text file:
TextFromErrorConsole.txt (34.59 kB - downloaded 420 times.)-and maybe even tell me what to do to help these poor patients of mine, please?
I already have removed every addon, and added both foxes to Trusted - but so far to no avail.