SanctuaryWhile I hate to admit it, my main movie & TV connection (other than the theater), is a collection of video sites.
I simply CANNOT buy anything because I don't live in the US, and some people *cough*studios*cough* are too stupid to take my money when I want to give it to them.
Well, Sanctuary is available for $8.75 in HD! ($6.99 in SD) (That's for a 4 episode bundle. $2.49 and $1.99 each otherwise, HD/SD respectively.)
And... Get this...
You ready???
I'm gonna blow your mind...
This is INCREDIBLE!!!You sure you want to find out?
I can't be held responsible for possible brain damage or trauma!!!
This is your last warning!!!
Miracle of miracles! Somebody out there understands that actually selling their product is a good thing and can help them make money!!!
WOW!I'm totally beyond belief shocked! I was fully expecting to NOT be able to buy!
I was about to download an episode
here, when I saw this:
Sanctuary is an independant webseries.
Please, support them and buy some webisodes on the official website:
The "independant" part there peaked my interest, and I figured that if the major studios aren't involved, there would be a slim chance that it wasn't run by complete morons! Imagine my surprise!!! They're NOT morons!
I am SOOOOO hoping that this catches on, because it's a much better way to get stuff.
Ok... Maybe I got a little over-excited there, but this is really a great thing! (Being able to buy without geographic restrictions.)
Anyways, just bought eps 1~4. I'll get 5~8 next!