Feature list from
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mendeley :
Free and interdisciplinary
Mendeley Desktop, based on Qt, runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Mendeley Web works with all major web browsers.
Automatic extraction of metadata from PDF papers on your computer.
Back up and synchronize your digital library with your private Mendeley Web account and across multiple computers.
PDF viewer with sticky notes, text highlighting and full-screen reading.
Access your private article library online.
Full-text search across all your papers.
Playlist-like organization of your library.
Smart filtering, tagging and PDF file renaming.
Create citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.
Import documents and research papers from selected websites into your Mendeley Web library via a browser bookmarklet.
Create groups to share and collaboratively tag and annotate research papers with colleagues.
Create a research profile on Mendeley Web to share your latest publications, awards and upcoming conference travels.
Connect to like-minded researchers and follow their research profile updates.
Readership statistics about papers, authors and publication outlets in every academic discipline.
Statistics about your own article library.
Find other scholars and academics by research interests and geographic region.
Very promising! The main drawback is that it is proprietary. I haven't looked into the details on the database file and so on but there's a lock-in risk (just like with EndNote) that a program like this really shouldn't have.
But Mendeley looks interesting enough for some testdriving.
Some info on prominent backers here:
http://www.techcrunc...per-management-tool/Zotero seems to be the best open source challenger to EndNote ATM but I think the tie to Firefox is a big problem. As far as I know it leaves those preferring chrome, opera and so on out in the cold. And it seems hard to add the types of features that Mendeley boasts into Zotero inside Firefox.
OpenOffice Bibliographic (OOoBib),
http://bibliographic.openoffice.org/ , seems to move along VERY slowly. So it is out of the picture for the moment.
JabRef has moved through several versions since mousers first post, now at v2.5. Does someone here use it regularly and if so can you share some of your experiences?
Here's a list with some more alternatives, though it wasn't up to date on JabRef version so it might be dated/incomplete for other programs too.