I will never forget the time my husband came home with a black & white printout of a page of one of the sites I made. (it was for the company he worked for)
A customer had told him that they found the website doing a google search, printed it out in black & white, and handed him the copy of the page.
My husband came home all upset, thinking that google had stolen my work, and even worse...messed it up by removing all the color from it. He wanted me to sue google. Now his boss isn't much brighter, suing was all his idea, and he was actually going to find me a lawyer.
I had to go to my husband's job, sit the both of them down, tell them to stfu and listen (they were yelling, hopping mad)...and gave a lesson on what a search engine is and does, assuring them that nobody stole the site and that nobody had ruined it. I had a tough time convincing them that people coming in because they discovered the place through a google search was a good thing...that the website was serving its purpose.
As new customers came in mentioning how they found the site on other search engines, I had to repeat this process for each different search engine that was mentioned.