It depends what your level is...
Paul Dubois' Mysql book is one of the best written introductory technical books I have ever read, although it only covers some of the basics on database design. It has great tutorials in perl, php and python (iirc) and will cover things like indexes, stored procedures etc. beyond pure database design and into practical performance. But it does not go in depth. It is a good book even if you dont use mysql, really, because it is concise, well written - it can help someone get started in database-backed web development, picking up perl or php etc. You are probably beyond it, but i thought I would pimp it, I always made trainees read the perl or php chapter there when they had to pick up the language.
Joe Celko's books, starting with "SQL for smarties", are some great books to learn how to do very sophisticated things with SQL (I have the data mining and the binary tree books and there are some great tools in there, although he tends to be a bit single minded about them). They are not about performance and intelligent design, they are more about things you thought you needed to do in code but actually can let the database do...
After that it is about picking a book about the particular database you have chosen, since there are a lot of quirks. If you use postgres I can recommend a few but for others I cant help much