Shangnyun, hahaha!
I know exactly what you mean! I only dared click on a couple of them and that killed a couple hours right there...thankfully I'm already familiar with most of the software mentioned...but it was sooooo worth it. I got my fix....what a rush!
Phew.. I didn't. I spent hours reading other essentially useless stuff on the web and well, buying a digital camera, a memory card for it, and a card reader! T'was fun too, but marginally more useful/worthwhile, lol.
I really have to stop the software discovery browsing... it takes SO MUCH time, and at the end I sit there with a whole pile of new stuff to check out... but ask yourself, how much of that newly found stuff do you end up keeping? For me, it's usually like 5%. And that's not worth the hours of surfing around.. not to mention the hours spent trying out the new stuff you've found, only to then abandon it again. It's fun, sure, but fun can also be useful/productive, rather than ultimately in vain.