First of all I didn't know where to post this and after seeing a few posts and making a few posts I wanted to share with this site what I do and where I am from and everything else in between.
To sum it up for me I work for the Royal Australian Air Force in Communications. I am either based in Mawson Antarctica or Gold Coast Australia. In my spare time I like to write software. Originally and what I will post below is the majority written in Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6). I opted for VB6 because it was more of a graphical application, so I could see what I was creating and play around with it then go into the back end and create the functions etc. Moving on from VB6 I am now into VB.NET and still using the graphical side of the software but with more use and more exploring, it gives me the grounds to deliver easier + also add the option to update so much easier without the need of having to check for updates.
Below is the list of all the VB6 apps that I have created to date. WinUp which was originally on CNET was pulled after Microsoft sent a letter asking to be pulled because it violated there terms and conditions of downloading Windows Updates, that didn't stop me when I learned about PAD files and PAD Submission.
3D Stereographic - Learning about 3d stereo images
Alpha Webcam - Basic Webcam
AnotherIRC - Learning how ot create IRC Apps
Asteroids - Old Skool Game
AnotherTuber - Download from youtube *Learning*
BenchMarkXP - Benchmarking your PC
BlueCam - Overlay of a webcam
BMI Calculator - Testing self
Brain Scan - Joke App
Brain Upgrade - Upgrade from Scan
Browse For Folder - As it says
Bugger - Video Converter
CDTracker - Track my cds
Cheat Hitter - As it says
Convert ExE - Adds encryption strings to exe
Copy_DLL - Needed an easy way to use Regsvr32
Create Dummy Size Files - Useful when needed to create a txt file e.g. 1GB
Cuboid City - Learning how to make a 3d city
Enhanced PacMan - As it says
Error_Handler - Generating errors
EZ Bounce - Game
FileTracker - Tracking files
FlashTest - Using Flash
Flippin Heck - Book related to turning pages
Forum Link - New to creating links
GameCheatsDatabase - Out of date but can be modified to receive upto date cheats
GeoMaker - Longitude and Latitude software
Get Font - As it says
Get Processor - As it says
Hangman - As it says
HexEditor - As it says
Ihatetorrents - Learning about NZB files
IM Messiah - Old Skool MSN Bot
IMDB Search - As it says
Infinite Buttons - As it says
Instant Messenger - As it says
Invite System - As it says
J.a.Q.u.i.E. - Telecommunications software (Now ripped apart and ready for something new)
jIRC - As it says
Jump - As it says
Library - As it says
Magic - As it says
Magic Numbers - As it says
Make ISO File - As it says
makeisofiles - As it says
MakeHTMLDir - As it says
Making A Patch - As it says
MediaDeFunc - Music App
Mega Mog Music Recorder - Learning how to rip music from MOG (Google It)
MessageBoard - As it says
Monster - Access too Monster templates
Move To Demo 1 - As it says
Move To Demo 2 - As it says
MovieLibrary - As it says
Msn - Bot Example - As it says
Msn - Client - As it says
Msn - Macro - As it says
Msn - Nudge - As it says
Msn - Personal Message Changer - As it says
Msn - Profile Viewer - As it says
Msn - Smileys - As it says
Msn - Thief - As it says
MuIP - App to give IP Address for game MuOnline
MusicMod - Learn how to play music using the old skool mod files
NES_Galaga - Old Skool Game
Orby - Game
Outlook Rescue - As it says
Pad - My own version of a pad editor after learning every piece of software submitted needed a pad file
PCServices - Learning about your PC
PCStats - As it says
Phoenix - Game
Plugin_Wizard - As it says
PoliceScanner - Originally tapped into police frequencies 0 But when everything went digital used to tap into radio stations online
PornHub - An extension of my torrent database app
Port Scanner - As it says
prjUpdate - The one and only VB6 Update app I used everywhere
Proper_MSN4 - MSN Related
PwdRevealer - See the ******* for passwords
Radio - As it says
Revive Live Update Script - Another update script
RSProxy List - My app for distributing proxies, doesnt scan for them just holds them in one spot
RSS FeedMe - All about RSS Feeds
RSTerminal - My way of distributing knowledge on tv shows
ScrollBar - As it says
Search_2 - Learning and understanding how search works
Shoutcast - As it says
ShowPass - As it says
Shuttle Radar - This accesses NASA radar images and displays the images, need to reconfigure the gzip to get working again since NASA updated site
Simple Machines - Protector
SimpleTrial - As it says
SketchArtist - Learning about from a photo to using the pc to sketch
SpaceJunk - One of my first games
SpaceJunk The Beginning Years - As it says
Stereographic - Refers to stereo images
Streaming Cams - As it says
Strength Wrapper - Encryption
SysCleaner 2.0 - As it says
System Uptime Monitor - As it says
Systray - As it says
TabbedBrowser - As it says
TagMp3 - Learning about tagging MP3's
TheShack - My first image uploader app for
Thumby - Reads those annoying thumbs.dll files
Timer - As it says
Torrent Database - The joy out of all my software and my baby
Torrent Database - Alpha
Torrent Viewer - As it says
UDPchat - As it says
Uninstaller Pro 2007 - My own version of an uninstaller
Uninstaller Pro 2008 - As it says
Uninstaller Pro 2009 - As it says
Uninstaller Pro 2010 - As it says
Uninstaller Pro 2011 - As it says
Uninstaller Pro 2012 - As it says
Uninstaller Pro 2013 - As it says
Updater - As it says
Visual Basic User Controls - As it says
Voxel Space - game learning about space
Wargames - TicTacToe like never before
WebCamClient - As it says
WGABuggerMe - Related to Winup - About bypassing the windows genuine advantage file for downloading Windows Updates
WinCD_Key - As it says
Windows Errors - As it says
Windows Update - As it says
Win-Emo - Windows Live Emote System
WinUp - My own version of bypassing using any browser to get the windows updates
WinZip Type - As it says
YahEarth - As it says
YGamer - As it says
YouTube - As it says
I don't know what I can do for this forum, but it certainly feels nice to be part of a community where the general midst is programming. There are so many different types of programmers here from Delphi to C++ to VB.NET to everything.
Right now in programming im more so focused on my torrent software and have been since 2007. With every single site I had submitted my software too, around 627+ at the time, torrents for myself was a new way of technology, I wanted to board that train and learning more.
I won't go into detail as I have already submitted the software via the submission tool on the site, as I didn't want anyone to think I was trying to spam here. I look forward to making many new friends and even learning from others and hopefully meeting some other VB.NET programmers cos I may do a lot of programming, but I still have my own troubles.
Chat Soon and Thank you.