I'm a Christian husband, Marine, father of 2, a retired Sheriff's deputy who married one of the dispatchers (she was always telling me where to go anyway, so...). I retired in after 12 years service due to continued complications from an on-duty crash that very nearly killed me:

At the time of the crash, I had been dating my future wife for a few months, who was also a paramedic. When the doctors were planning to release me to a long term care facility for phys therapy, she asked if I could be released to her home, and she would see to my care. Her experience as a paramedic, along with 3+ years of her nursing degree completed, was enough to convince the docs that I would be in good hands.
Needless to say, she was a keeper! We've been together ever since. As a family, we all volunteer at the zoo, working with and caring for several bird species it the Bird House. This experience has transformed our own home into an indoor aviary.
Computer-wise, what little knowledge I have has been self taught. I also like to work with stained glass, as well as wood carving and woodworking. We are going to expand our "zoo" into a breeding facility, once we find a mate for our favorite feathered friend Hannibal, formally known as Hannibal, prior to our confirming her--er, I mean his--sex through a DNA test.