Hi! I just found this site and I could use a little help on automating some command I use a lot.
So here's what I do:
1-program something in a unix machine
2-run the program in several unix machines
3-watch the log for all programs in that unix machine
4-If my program aborted, it will write in the log, otherwise it will write that it completed well.
So I need to watch several logs in real-time (using tail -f logfile) and search for a line with my program in it.
Is it too hard to code some windows app that automatically connects (via telnet or ssh, it can even use putty) to a configurable server, login with a configurable username and password, perform a configurable command (usually always tail -f something, but if it could be a little more flexible...) and then watch the output for a configurable string. If that string is found, play a sound to warn the user and display the line in the screen (no other output needs to be displayed). This to be done with several logs at the same time.
Is this simple enough to be considered a coding snack?
I would do it myself, but the "play sound" part is really important and I only code in unix command line...