I looks like I am not effectively communicating my vision. What I am proposing is a generic framework. The NSFW aspects of it are just the first
use case. Maybe I should just come out and say it. What I am proposing/building/discussing is a generic "attention" framework that I think can be leveraged for things much greater than keeping some priss from seeing the work fuck. (I'll give you a minute to recover from that.)
The Content Pledge is just a use case of a "Statement of Interest". Let's look at the complete opposite use case. I am not trying to protect my virgin eyes from something horrible that will scar me for life, instead I am a very busy computer programmer who only wants to talk about encryption, compression, and little rubber duckies. It's not that I find 3D CAD/CAM offensive, it's that I don't have enough
time to read every *** **** thread that gets posted here. And don't be so f&*#ing narcissistic to think that it is all about you and this
community. This is something that any community will be able to use. So get your fornicating heads out of your excretion point and look at the bigger picture.
Hopefully this post, the wording, the examples, and the gist will show you why this IS a Good Thing!!!!