I've changed my mind about kittens (and cats in general). They're not all cute, furry animals. Some are viscous creatures that will eat your food, then scratch and bite your hands.
Actually, they're
ALL vicious creatures that will eat your food and then scratch and bite your hands and other body parts. The good thing is that most kittens eventually grow (mostly) out of the scratching and biting. But they never stop eating your food.
My mother got a kitten a few weeks ago from the pet store and it gave her
ringworm. The doctor misdiagnosed it as something that wasn't contagious and so when the whole family was together for Christmas she spread it like the plague! Actually only 4 other people got it that I'm aware of, and her dog.
Interesting fact: Monistat 7 (vaginal cream) is an effective treatment for ringworm.