I'll just start with a simple
locate plugin for farr (I'll soon add screenshots)...
It was first posted in answer to a question about farr's indexing capabilities :
Third, and this is just a question on mechanics - Does FARR create an index like Launchy and Key Launch. (Key Launch can be found here: http://www.konradp.c...erline_app=keylaunch but it's definitely not as good as FARR)
So... to use farr with an index you can :
1) Use the
locate plugin for farr (and to use the plugin efficiently, you could assign a special hotkey to it... more about that later)
2) You could also "simulate" an index by making the
"max. files to keep in launch history" value pretty high (in the
"Interface" section of the
"options" window) -- mine is now set at 990. It's a small index that's being created as you use farr, so to speak... It will record all the files you searched or the programs you launched (if you open farr's *.ini file, you can actually see that list of files/programs and even edit it). So, in other words, it's an index that works only for files/programs you
launched with farr at least once .
Now... if you want to use the
locate32 plugin, here's an example on how to do it (it might look complicated, but it's not):
First : Locate32 installation...
1- Install
Locate32 -- I suggest you install the
Version The latest one doesn't seem to play well with the plugin. Don't know if that was fixed or what...
2- Configure it the way you want (start locate, right click on its taskbar icon --> click
3- Index your drive(s) according to what you set in the settings...
Install and configure the farr locate32 plugin:3- Install the
locate plugin for farr if needed (I have no idea if it's now included in the beta download) :
http://www.dcmembers...e32/FarrLocate32.zip4- a- Open the
"Options" window in farr
b- Select
"plugins, updates, fonts" section
c- Click on
"click to Examine and configure plugins" d- Then Click on
"Locate32 Plugin". Set the plugin to work the way you wan't
5- (Still in the "locate32 plugin" window) In the
"regular expression match" field , type
^loc (.*)$ (almost anything could do here -- it's only an example)
6- Don't forget to point to right path if you didn't use the default path when you installed locate32-- normally the path should be something like : C:\Program Files\Locate\Locate.exe, for locate, and C:\Program Files\Locate\updtdb32.exe for updtdb32 (you can set that through the
"Configure advanced plugin options" -- click on it).
7- Close the plugin configuration window
Set up the Hot key -- not necessary, but will make your searches with locate32 effortless (using less key strokes):
8- Go to the Hotkeys tab in the
"options" window
9- Right-click somewhere in the white space --> select
"add new entry"10- Name you hotkey in the
"descriptive label" area
11- Choose a comfortable (and available) Hotkey trigger…
12- enable
"Set search text bellow (or clear it)" 13- Write
"loc " (with a space after "loc") in the
"Text for Search Edit Box" field.
14- Click
Close the option window, etc.
Try your new hotkey : it should automatically write "loc " in the entry field. And then write something you're looking for : it should search and find immediately (if you indexed your drives before, of course!).