Yes, PSPad has an feature called
Clips to insert recur coding snips (or your address or such things)
Interactive clips to build such windows i show in my last post.
What are Interactive Clips?
Clips insert text in to your file. Standard clips insert fixed text defined by the clip content.
Interactive clips allow you to modify the content of the clip definition before
it is inserted into your file using clip macros.
You do this by defining your clip macros to use various Windows controls
such as text boxes, combo boxes and checkboxes.
Clip Macro Format:
The clip macro format is as follows
%control%=@x caption,text,default,options,delimiter,dialog_type
%control% The name used in the clip body.
The name must contain only alphanumeric characters - no spaces or punctuation characters.
@x Type of control. One of
@-- = Separator
@C = Combo box
@D = Date dialog
@E = Text box
@F = Font selection dialog
@K = Checkbox
@L = Colour picker dialog
@O = File Open dialog
@P = Picture selection dialog
@S = Directory selection dialog
@T = Topstyle
See below for further details.
This text will appear as a label for the control in the dialog.
Optional fixed text that will be inserted into your file immediately the value you enter in to the control.
The default value. This value will be used if you don't enter a value of your own in to the control. (optional)
Depends on the control used, see below (optional).
These optional Characters will be inserted around value entered into the control (optional).
Only used when @x = @O (optional). One of:
A = Absolute path and slash type, or
R = Relative path and slash type
The "code" for the interactive IMG dialog box is:
[img | image]
<img %srcp% %alt% %title% %name% %class% %style% %align9%
%border% %height% %width% %hspace% %vspace% %on% %controls%
%dynsrc% %ismap% %longdesc% %loop% %loopdelay% %starto% %language%>
The macro for %srcp% (see code above) is:
%src%=@O object src=,src=,,objekt file (*.*)|*.*,"
The macro for %alt% is:
%alt%=@E alt=,alt=,,,"
In your document you type img and press an shortcut to get the dialog.
If you ready with the dialog, press ENTER or OK
and PSPad will fill in your document all the code you need:
<img src="c:\Test.jpg" alt="an Test" align="baseline" height="110" width="120">
or if you fill more details in the IMG dialog e.g.
<img src="C:\Test222.gif" alt="this is the ALT TAG" title="here the title"
name="NAME" class="CLASS" align="middle" border="1" height="85" width="250"
hspace="2" vspace="3" onMouseOver="" language="JavaScript">
There are such dialogs for mostly all HTML TAGs.
Or you could create your own dialog boxes
like this HTML META-Tag Generator
http://forum.pspad.c...0&t=2780&v=tOne could download PSPad in an CAB archive, unpack and test them
or i put the
HTML.def file wich contains the stuff above
and the PSPad help file
for an preview
as attachement on this post. (delete the .txt extension)