hey i followed the steps in the first post but the plugin wont compile as using FARRCSharpSDK
show an error that it cannot be found and the referance assemblies $project_name$CSharpSDK.dll and $project_name$RCW show exclamation marks.
edit: i use visual studio 2010 ultimate
Hi AksX,
It is very possible that it won't compile in VS2010 as I never tested it with it (I think I was using 2005 back at the time).
I'm afraid I can't fix the template issue right now, however, you can take any of the other existing c# plugins and try to compile them in VS2010 and I believe they will.
You can then go ahead and just delete most of the plugin related code (which is quite separated from the the API that is used to communicate with FARR). To get started, I suggest to compile the latest plugin I made,
FARRTunesGood luck!