Well, the "bug" lies with the program as far as I can see

. To prove this I
1) Started Process Monitor from System Internals and set a filter to include the screen shot folder.
2) Waited for several seconds and no captured events (there were 50,000+ events which were ignored /filtered out).
3) Opened Screenshot Captor from minimised state in the system tray and with no other activity / action from me Process Monitor captured 133,000+ events all from Screenshot Captor and the vast majority 'QueryOpen' on the files.
If I filter for this QueryOpen I find it did this 133,376 times in 23 seconds and there were only 380 other events. That seems like a hell of a lot of times it is looking at the files when nothing else is being done. Now as other people aren't seeing this the "bug" seems to be invoked by a configuration related item. Any ideas.
If you are interested the attached ZIP has the Process Explorer log file and the Screenshot Captor configuration files. System is XP Pro SP3 with Screenshot Captor 2.42.01