I have this problem when I run my Windows 2000 Pro (all SPs, most updates) for a longer period. In a few hours I will have reached
1 month uptime (my personal record)
and since a few days I can't use all of my RAM anymore.
Stats are like
strange RAM problem - any ideas?
but I can't open new programs or even the Windows task manager before I close (for example) one of the IE windows or Winamp. They just won't open up.
Even if I close something else first a fresh opened window might have drawing issues or some menues are incomplete - like the tray icon menu for Screenshot Captor (no "exit" option):
strange RAM problem - any ideas?
Could I fix this WITHOUT having to restart Windows? Any ideas?
Btw, 50 to 60 processes are active all the time - I like multi-tasking