I also had problems with Ghoster on multiple screens. My issue was due to the fact that my secondary monitor is to the left of my primary monitor, and I would guess that vermeulen and threeboy.net also have monitors to the left of their primary monitor.
The AHK script can be corrected to work better with multiple screens. Here's a diff-style patch for the AHK script currently on this site. (my full AHK file is attached)
It adds another option (2) to multimon which fixes the problem for me. Everything should work exactly the same way if you don't use that option.
< Gui,Show,X0 Y0 W%A_ScreenWidth% H%A_ScreenHeight%,%applicationname%Window
> topleftx=0
> toplefty=0
> screenwidth=%A_ScreenWidth%
> screenheight=%A_ScreenHeight%
> If multimon=2
> {
> SysGet,screenwidth,78
> SysGet,screenheight,79
> SysGet,topleftx,76
> SysGet,toplefty,77
> }
> ;Gui,Show,X0 Y0 W%A_ScreenWidth% H%A_ScreenHeight%,%applicationname%Window
> Gui,Show,X%topleftx% Y%toplefty% W%screenwidth% H%screenheight%,%applicationna
< WinMove,%A_ScreenWidth%,%A_ScreenHeight%,,,%applicationname%Window
> ; WinMove,%A_ScreenWidth%,%A_ScreenHeight%,,,%applicationname%Window
> WinMove,%screenwidth%,%screenheight%,,,%applicationname%Window
< ini=%ini%`n`;multimon=1 or 0 Dim all monitors in a multimonitor system
> ini=%ini%`n`;multimon=1 or 0 or 2 Dim all monitors in a multimonitor system - 2 uses alternative method for sizing
< Gui,99:Add,Text,x+10 yp+10,%applicationname% v1.2
> Gui,99:Add,Text,x+10 yp+10,%applicationname% v1.3-yl
> Gui,99:Add,Text,y+10,- With multi-monitor fix by yl
I'm sure there are people out there who would appreciate skrommel (or anyone else) updating the downloads with new AHK and EXE incorporating this fix.