I think there is 4 problems with your post:
Problem 1: Whatever it is that you want is buried in a lot of text. Keep it short & simple and to the point.
Problem 2: It isn't clear exactly what you are asking for. Technically there isn't a question in that entire post...at least not one that ends in a question mark.
I am not trying to be a nitpicker here, but when scanning it twice to try to figure out what you were asking I couldn't find a '?' that would signify an actual question was in all that text.
Problem 3: The only thing that popped out at me from that entire post was this:
So, where can I find the big red button to push and get everything I want handed to me on a silver-platter.
You should know better than to ask that, whether you mean it that way or not. You will never get an answer to a post containing anything like that. At least not a useful answer. People run away from demands like that. And it doesn't matter what other words you surround that with, that still won't fly very well.
Problem 4: (most likely the biggest problem of all) You posted that to the wrong forum.
You would probably do a lot better if you
go here and click 'community' and select a link from there. There is loads of stuff there that lead offsite. Browse around till you find something with a forum of people that seem to know what they are doing, answers questions, and are populated with more of the type of Flash user you would like to become.
You could also consider
Yahoo's Flash Developer Network. There is a Yahoo Group there that might give you a lot better response to your questions.
If you are going to rely on a user to user support forum on Adobe's site, you aren't going to get anywhere. Nobody that works for Adobe officially spends any of their time there.
Your questions aren't of a specific software related technical problem. If any questions get answered on that forum they would be of that type, and only if some user that can answer it happens to drop by & see it and bother to reply.
You would be better off asking here for links to resources and recommendations for good flash game developer communities that welcome all levels of experience.
I am sure
Deozaan could probably tell you a few.