Ever wonder when your copy of Windows was installed? Me neither.
But, today I was poking around in the registry and stumbled across this key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\InstallDate
Which is a dword value holding the number of seconds since that fateful day you reinstalled windows last.
(Actually, an offset from 12 midnight, 1/1/1970.)
So naturally I had to write a little applet to pull the value and display it in an easy-to-read format. As a bonus, you get a real-time update, for those of us with compulsive disorders.
Please download your copy today, and report back the oldest living Windows installation. The winner will get a hearty thumbs-up and a stern reminder to knock-on-wood.
PS... Is there a forum better suited for posting goofy self-written goodies like this? If so, feel free to move it, forum gods.
UPDATE #1: Edited the reg key for accuracy. D'oh!
UPDATE #2: Edited description of what the dword stores. Feh.
UPDATE #3: New 1.1 version has Windows uptime display.